Friday, July 29, 2005

Fear is the mind killer

This little phrase from the movie of Dune has always been an elemental truth in my life. By the dreams that I have had of deep water I've known that I have issues with the unkown and in some parts I'm terrified of them. I must face them and work my utmost to defeat these demons that want to hold me under and everybody else. If you're reading this and know you will understand what I am talking about.
It's like the character "The Lone Power" in the Young Wizards series, he or she is always looking for ways to undermine us and to let us be prey to entropy. Meaning: not following our dreams, not looking for the job that makes us happy, not looking for REAL happiness but just lagging day by day.
The people that have found this happiness are quiet or maybe very outspoken but you can see in there eyes that they live their life as they've wished it to be by making their wishes come true. And they know that NOTHING is impossible in our lifetime.
So this is how it will go:
Fear is the Mind Killer
I shall Know my Fears and face them
I shall Conquer my Fears and I will integrate them
And I Will be Free of Them by doing this
So Mote it Be.....

Monday, July 11, 2005

Teleportation: Express Lane Space Travel - Star Trek hecho realidad....

Think Star Trek: You are here. You want to go there. It's just a matter of teleportation.
Articulo que habla sobre la realidad de la teleportación

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Another Stonehenge found in Russian - Monolito como "Stonehenge" en Russia

A 4 thousand years old construction found in Russia.
Articulo sobre un monolito parecido al "Stonehenge" de Inglaterra.....

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Saturn's volcanoes shoot ice, not lava - Los Volcanes de Saturno

NASA's Cassini probe will pass just 175km from Enceladus, a 500km-wide chunk of rock and ice with surface temperatures that hover around -180C.
Noticia interesantisimo de Saturno, en donde los volcanes botan pedazos de hielo en vez de lava. UUUUYYYY q cuba libre me haria con ese pedazo de hielo.....

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Friday, July 08, 2005

La Gasolina - Ayudanos Juan Luis Guerra!!

Hoy descubri por la radio que la gasolina subira a .57 centavos la regular la semana que viene. God Damnnnn!!!! Eso si esta Cabr#$n!!!! Y saben lo que duele más? Q hay tecnología suficiente para ya no depender del pertroleo. Sabian que en Brazil cuando hubo una crisis se llego a formar un sustituo de la gasolina a base de Etanol??? Pues si mi gente eso es cierto, y no tan solo eso hay miles de otras cosas que se pueden usar.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Mystery of Time Travel

When it comes to the nature of time travel, physicists are pretty much at a loss, but some theorists think that has to change.

Un articulo sobre el viaje en el tiempo suena interesante gente.

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